Generate SSH key to add it to GIT

In order to be able to clone and push on a git repository, you need to have a ssh key that must be added to your git account.

Generate SSH key

On unix based operating systems open your terminal and type


Pres enter to all prompts and don't add any password

Copy your SSH key content

Now you need to copy the key content from the newly generated file:

cat ~/.ssh/

# or if you use a MAC OS
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
Copy the output of the command to your clipboard

Add your ssh key to github

Open the browser and navigate to your github account. On the top right side, click on your username icon and then click on Settings button in the drop down. On the left side, you'll see SSH and GPG keys. Clik on that link and it should send you to this url

Here you need to click on New SSH key (a green button in top right side) and paste the content of the key in the Key field. For name choose a name that you want and then click on the Add SSH key button.

Add ssh key to bitbucket

Open bitbucket page (you must be logged in) and on the down left side of the page click on your user avatar and then click on Bitbucket Settings button. Next, in the security group, click on SSH keys and then click on Add key blue button. Here, in the Key field, add your ssh key content, add a label to it and then click on Add key

Add your ssh key to gitlab account

In gitlab page, o the top right side, click on your user avatar and select Settings from dropdown menu. In the left side, click on SSH Keys button.

Now, paste your ssh key content in the Key field and add a title as you wish. Then, click on Add key gray button.

That's it. well done. Now you can update the repository without to add the password every time